Transforming Our Construction Industry
The collaborative programme of work to transform our construction sector

Our Shared Vision
In October 2022, the Construction Leadership Forum published its Scottish Construction Accord, setting out a series of positive outcomes for the construction sector and where transformative change will be required to realise the vision.
That change will be delivered through a Transformation Action Plan that reflects a shared vision between the industry and the public sector to create a thriving and high-performing construction sector.
Our Work
The Transformation Action Plan is led by a Board comprising the co-chairs of each of the 11 Working Groups who collectively manage the delivery of the initiatives set out in the Transformation Action Plan.
The Board will assist the Construction Leadership Forum in measuring progress, communicating successes, and sharing the outputs across the construction sector.
The essence of the Transformation Action Plan is collaborative working through Working Groups with members drawn from all who commit to progressing the agreed actions.
In total, 48 businesses and 39 public sector bodies have contributed to its development.
If you would like to help with the transformation please register as a participant or contact one of the Transformation Board Working Group co-chairs.

Our Shared Vision
In October 2022, the Construction Leadership Forum publishes its Scottish Construction Accord, setting out a series of positive outcomes for the Construction sector and where transformative change will be required to realise the vision.
That change will be delivered through a Transformation Action Plan that reflects a shared vision between the industry and the public sector to create a thriving and high-performing construction sector.
Our work
The Transformation Action Plan is led by Board comprising the co-chairs of each 11 Working Groups who will collectively manage the delivery of the initiatives set out in the Transformation Action Plan.
The Board will assist the Construction Leadership Forum in measuring progress, communicating successes, and sharing the outputs across the construction sector.
The essence of the Transformation Action Plan is collaborative working through Working Groups with members drawn from all who commit to progressing the agreed actions.
In total, 48 businesses and 39 public sector bodies have contributed to its development. If you would like to help with the transformation please register as a participant or contact one of the Transformation Board members.

Keep up to date
Updates and progress across the Transformation Action Plan will be posted on the News section of Construction Leadership Forum website. You can access that page via the link below.